stephen ministry introductory workshop

The Stephen Ministry Introductory Workshop is a half-day event
where you can catch a vision for lay caring ministry,

experience a sample of Stephen Minister training, and

learn the basics about Stephen Ministry.

Three Engaging Sessions

SESSION 1: Ministering to Those Experiencing Grief

Sample the quality of Stephen Minister training firsthand

Develop grief ministry skills you can put to use right away

SESSION 2: An Introduction to Stephen Ministry

Explore the life-changing value of this ministry

Discover how to bring Stephen Ministry to your congregation

SESSION 3: How to Care in a Distinctively Christian Way

Learn to integrate faith into everyday caring and relating

Experience the Christ-centered nature of Stephen Ministry

Each participant receives an informative packet of materials. 


Cost is $15 per person or

$50 for a group of four or more from your congregation or organization

To Register :

Visit and complete the online registration form.


Call the Stephen Ministries Center at (314) 428-2600 (M-F, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Central Time).