The Transfiguration of Our Lord
March 2, 2025
Holly Communion 10:00 AM
Ash Wednesday Service
March 5, 2025
7:00 PM
The First Sunday in Lent
March 9, 10:00 AM
God has raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus, and not death, has the last word about our lives. That last word will be, Yes, OK, Live!
This is the good news which gathers and binds Palm congregation and all Christians together as a community of faith and hope. Each week we are gathered by God’s Spirit into the presence of Christ as the gospel of Jesus is proclaimed and the sacraments are received. Through these means of God’s grace, faith is created and strengthened and we become Christ’s body in the world where we are sent at the liturgy’s end to live out our Christian vocations in daily life. Every service is an opportunity for all believers to join in praise, prayer and thanksgiving for the gift of grace in Jesus Christ, and in the challenge of Christian living in the modern era.
Please know there is a place here for you.