the liturgy

Palm congregation is linked to the catholic (universal) church of all times and places through its commitment to the historic liturgy of the western church.
We seek to bring the gospel of Christ to all people through the proclamation of God’s Word and the sharing of Jesus’ Supper. The liturgy at Palm is celebrated in the Lutheran tradition and is supported by a rich variety of both musical styles and settings.

we gather

The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.

Prior to worship, you are welcomed to join in fellowship in the narthex. There is always room for even the youngest children at every service. “Activity bags” for families with small children are available in the narthex. These can be used during the service. As you enter the nave (sanctuary), quiet time is yours for reflection and meditation as you prepare for worship. Brief announcements from the pastor call attention to the Sunday or occasion in the church year and supplement other announcements printed in the bulletin for the day.

After the Order for Confession and Forgiveness, the pastor greets the people gathered around songs of praise and prayer as the liturgy begins.


God speaks to us in scripture reading, preaching and song.

The sacred texts of scripture speak to us of God’s steadfast love ultimately affirmed in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Saint Paul reminds us that faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). We hear again in speech and song the transforming good news that God’s love in Christ is for us.

we celebrate the eucharist

God feeds us with the presence of Jesus Christ.

We welcome all the baptized to share in the Holy Communion we experience as we share Jesus’ Supper. An usher will invite you from your pew to proceed to the altar and will direct you to return at the proper time. You may choose to receive the wine from a common cup or an individual glass. 

If you prefer an individual glass, please take one from an usher as you approach the altar. Those with dietary restrictions may receive the fullness of Christ’s presence by receiving either the bread or the wine. We rejoice that this sacrament nourishes our lives as Christ brings us forgiveness of sins, new life and salvation. 

we are sent into the world

God blesses us and sends us in mission to the world.

Having received the Eucharist, God’s blessing sends us out to spread the love, forgiveness and life of Christ to all people. We follow Jesus’ cross, which leads us back into the daily life we share, singing as we go. We who have received the Body of Christ in the Eucharist have become the Body of Christ for God’s mission in the world. We go in peace to bring peace to all people.

The pastor will enjoy greeting you at the conclusion of the service. If you are visiting,
we encourage you to place the visitor card from the Welcome Packet in the offering plate or sign the guest book in the narthex, and invite you to meet others for conversation and fellowship thereafter.